〓音乐∝畅想〓之〖That's My Goal〗
2016-8-8 20:01 编辑 <br /><br />专辑名称:Shayne Ward歌 手:Shayne Ward
唱片公司:Sony & BMG
经过漫长的19个星期,英国ITV台的又一场全民造星运动《The X Factor》北京时间今早(18日)终于落幕。来自英国曼彻斯特21岁的男孩Shayne Ward获得本届第二届歌唱比赛《The X Factor》冠军,成为第二位最有“The X Factor”的明日之星。
今早播出的第二届《The X Factor》最后一集决赛中,剩下的三组选手16到24岁组的
Shayne、25岁以上组的Andy和二人兄弟组合Journey South现场表演过后,在令人窒息的安静中,主持人Kate宣布节目获得1080万观众投票,第三名是——二人兄弟组合Journey South。消息一公布,Journey South兄弟俩顿时眼泛泪光,连两人的指导兼节目裁判Simon Cowell此时竟也表现出了难得的悲伤,“我知道这是多么让人痛苦的一个消息,我知道这兄弟俩是多么希望能够得到大家的认可并获胜。不过我还是想说,能够走到这里,你们已经尽力了。”兄弟俩也含泪向大家表示感谢,“谢谢大家,也谢谢Simon,今天能够站到这里,我们深感荣幸,也不虚此行了,谢谢大家。”
还剩下41的垃圾处理业工人黑人Andy Abraham和来自曼彻斯特21岁的Shayne Ward进行最后一轮的“对决”。两人随即分别演唱了为本届《The X Factor》节目量身定做的最新单曲“That's My Goal”,之后整个会场再次回到充满期待的安静当中,主持人Kate步上舞台,宣布本届冠军的时刻来了,“本届冠军就是——Shayne”,Kate话音还未落,整个会场热闹欢腾一片,Shayne在不可思议的惊讶泪水中左右拥抱亚军Andy和主持人Kate,“谢谢大家!谢谢大家!”激动的Shayne完全处于惊喜状态,“谢谢大家!这是我唯一能说的!”这样一来,Shayne获得本届《The X Factor》冠军称号,并得到一份100万英镑唱片合约。
作为英国最大规模的全民造星运动,歌唱比赛真人秀《The X Factor》去年在ITV电视台推出第一届,Steve获得冠军一炮走红,并于今年年初推出个人专辑大受欢迎,始于今年秋天的ITV台第二届《The X Factor》今早的总决赛播出和BBC台的本届跳舞比赛真人秀《Strictly Come Dancing》总决赛同时段“对打”,但明显唱歌比赛《The X Factor》大优势胜出,从观众投票数量1080万对500万就可以看出。
今早节目中本届冠军Shayne出炉后,ITV电视台节目制作部门第一时间已经推出Shayne的最新单曲CD——《That's My Goal》,收录Shayne两首之前的比赛歌曲和今早现场演唱的“That's My Goal”。相信Shayne的最新完整专辑也将于不久的将来推出。
而作为本届《The X Factor》裁判之一的Simon Cowell也马不停蹄,即将飞越大西洋为美国FOX电视台第五季的《American Idol》明年一月17日的开播做准备。
歌词That's My Goal《那就是我的目标》
Hmmmm yea yea yeaaa
You know where I come from
You know my story
You know why I'm standing here
Please don't go
Don't be in a hurry
I'm here to make it clear
Make it right
Well I know I've acted foolish
But I promise you no more
I've finally found that something
Worth reaching for
I'm not here to say I'm sorry
I'm not here to lie to you
I'm here to say I'm ready
That I've finally thought it through
I'm not here to let your love go
I'm not giving up oh no
I'm here to win your heart and soul
That's my goal
Please don't go
You know that I need you
I can't breathe without you
Live without you
Be without you
Well I know I've acted foolish
But I promise you no more
No more
I'm not here to say I'm sorry
I'm not here to lie to you
I'm here to say I'm ready
That I've finally thought it through
I'm not here to let your love go
I'm not giving up oh no
I'm here to win your heart and soul
That's my goal
Well I won't stop believing
That we will be leaving together
So when I say I love you
I'll mean it forever and ever
Ever and ever
I'm not here to say I'm sorry
I'm not here to say I'm sorry
I'm not here to lie to you
I'm here to say I'm ready
That I've finally thought it through
(Oh I'm ready)
I'm not here to let your love go
I'm not giving up oh no
I'm here to win your heart and soul
(That's why I'm here babe)
Yes I'm here to win your heart and soul
That's my goal
That's my goal