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[推荐][08-23] 魔界奇兵最新更新至21集 [已测]

发表于 2005-8-23 14:33:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

<>  </P>
<>  </P>
<>  http://bbs.3gpt.com/notice.php?fid=-1#36</P>
<>  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 正在连接 [IP=]
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 Socket已连接 ,等待欢迎信息
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 220 FTP server ready
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 USER ********
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 331 Password required for crow.
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 PASS ********
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 230 User crow logged in.
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 成功登录
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 REST 100
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 350 Restarting at 100. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 该站点支持断点续传.
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 REST 0
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 TYPE A
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 200 Type set to A
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 PASV
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 227 Entering Passive Mode (61,152,145,44,231,161).
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 LIST /dongman/m/mar/mar_021.rmvb
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 226 Transfer complete.
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 TYPE I
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 200 Type set to I
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 SIZE /dongman/m/mar/mar_021.rmvb
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 213 123963831
  Tue Aug 23 13:07:12 2005 开始接受数据!</P>
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