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[问题] 找到篇Joachim的攻略,请问有人能翻译吗……?

发表于 2006-5-14 00:08:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2016-8-11 09:48 编辑 <br /><br />  Joachim&#39;s Basics
  First off, to get to play Joachim the Vampire Swordsman, you will need to finish
the normal game with Leon at least once to get the code and to enable the game to
unlock Joachim. Enter @JOACHIM as a new game (different save slot, but same save
file) to start playing Joachim!
  The controls for Joachim are greatly simplified compared to Leon; without a shop
or inventory or relics, Joachim seems pretty weak until you actually play him and
realise that he can pretty much destroy any room in any stage except for certain
  The beauty of Joachim is that since his game is pretty much the simple &quot;Richtes&quot;
mode from Symphony of the Night, you can pretty much avoid everyone in a room
unless you are forced to fight.
  SQUARE &nbsp;  - Attack button. The longer you hold the sword out, the more powerful
&nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;   the attack. Note that each attack &quot;uses&quot; a sword in Joachim&#39;s slot
&nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;   and the sword needs time to recover back into ready mode. Glowing
&nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;   swords are ready to strike.
  TRIANGLE  - Stance change. Switches between slash and stab. Slashes hit a wider
&nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;   area than stabs, but do less damage. Stabs are good for single enemies
&nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;   but are not recommended for bosses unless they do not move (Parasite
&nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;   is the only one, but some of the Demons also don&#39;t move on occasion).
  CIRCLE &nbsp;  - Magic attack. Depends on Joachim&#39;s stance. Slash stance will have the
&nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;   swords do a cyclone around Joachim but is still fairly weak. The stab
&nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;   stance will do a directed laser in one direction. It is also fairly
&nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;   weak but is the only attack that penetrates with regularity.
  CROSS &nbsp;   - Jump. Joachim can double jump, but cannot whip latch. He moves faster
&nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;   than Leon though, and jumping can get Joachim clear of danger in some
&nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;   instances. Joachim can grab the edge of ledges normally, which looks
&nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;   odd, but is part of the game.
  R1/R2 &nbsp;   - Target lock and strafe. Joachim should not use this feature unless he
&nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;   absolutely needs to since he slows down significantly if he does. You
&nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;   should instead, rely on his superior speed to outrun a pursuing enemy
&nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;   then turn and strike when the time is right. Use this only to avoid
&nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;   the cold beams produced by the Pillars of Bone.
  JOYSTICK  - Moves Joachim. Don&#39;t forget Joachim cannot block, so use his faster
&nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;   moving speed to get away from enemies (especially the Giants) and
&nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;  &nbsp;   avoid taking too much damage.
  Life Meter
  Joachim only has one life meter and cannot recover except at a save point. There&#39;s
no items for him to warp around, so save at each save point when possible! Don&#39;t get
hit is the motto with Joachim.
  Magic Meter
  Joachim&#39;s Magic Meter allows him to kill most normal enemies with one or two blows.
His Circle of Death and Death Ray are fun to use, but you need to charge his magic
meter to use them (as well as be in the correct stance). Joachim&#39;s magic is replenished
when he lands a blow on an enemy or an object. The blow does not need to kill an enemy
for the meter to build, but it does build faster if he kills an enemy. Break torches
as well. Each torch replaces a small amount of magic when broken.
  The Good Stuff
  Joachim only needs to worry about getting HP Max and MP Max. He also gets attack and
defence power-ups in some palces where relics and keys were. Potions and Food are used
immediately, so if you see food or potions that have been placed there before in Leon&#39;s
game and are at full life, try not to take them unless you are close to death. Joachim
is ultimately status-proof and cannot be stoned, paralysed, poisoned, or cursed.
  Undead Parasite
  This boss was easy for Leon, but will kill Joachim fairly easily if you do not know how
to approach it. Basically - keep moving. Standing around to fight is OK if you can guard,
but since Joachim cannot guard, keep moving. Joachim can easily avoid the snake and the
Soulless who swarm him by floating to another part of the room. Keep your stance in slash
mode to hit the Soulless. Since you are not pressed for time, you can take the time and
  When the opportunity arises, switch to stab stance and charge your sword (do it while
you are moving) and use a heavy strike on the closest eyeball followed by the other four
weaker swords. Once you expend all five swords, move away and wait for the swords to
return before renewing your attack. Pop the eyeballs then work on the heart/brain. The
same rules apply with Leon, except you have to be wary of Soulless who come close to
take a swipe at you. Kill the brain, drain the orb and get out.
  The Golem
  This boss is so easy with Joachim, you may want to kill it first. Basically, if you keep
yourself in slash mode and keep moving around the boss - jumping to avoid the shockwave -
you can almost insure that you will not get hit at all for the first part of the fight.
  The second phase will be more difficult since Joachim cannot really dodge faster than
Leon can quickstep. Instead, you will need to take a hit and quickly use a strong sword
strike (stab, and you should be charging all you first strikes while evading) followed
by the four weaker ones. Kill the Golem quickly - if you picked up several of the attack
and defence powerups before fighting the bosses (a smart move, if you took time to think
about how Joachim plays) the Golem will be dead fairly quickly.
  Medusa is rather tough to avoid getting hit, since here petrification ray is fast. You
should use Joachim&#39;s dodge to evade it. Once you do, circle around the fat ball and slap
her a few times with a strong sword and several weak ones (slash works best). Once you do,
start moving to avoid her up close snake attack. Medusa&#39;s rolling attack is easily avoided
with Joachim&#39;s speed, but her flying stone attack and spitting snakes attack are rather
  Avoid the flying stones by dodging. You can tell the attack is coming by her moaning.
I&#39;m never one to complain about womanly noises, and this is no exception. The spitting
snakes attack is easily avoided by moving Joachim around Medusa so the snakes shoot off
to another direction. Continue to hit her with swords and target her only briefly when
attacking. Keep moving, or Joachim will die.
  Killing Joachim is similar to how you did it with Leon, except you need to dodge more
of the attacks and use slash stance to destroy the small blue fires to drop evil Joachim&#39;s
shields. Once you do (your Joachim will need to jump to hit the small blue fires, just
like Leon) focus attacking evil Joachim with slash attacks while avoiding stuff on the
  Your Joachim is faster than Leon, so there should be little chance for evil Joachim to
start shooting his swords at you if you are fast in destroying the small blue fires each
time they appear. Stabs work well against evil Joachim if he is not moving.
  The Succubus is easy if you keep moving and use slash stance. Joachim is so fast, you
can simply outrun her shots and her attacks (especially the seeking vine). Simply run
from her shots and attacks and move close as you do so. Once she stops attacking, hit
her with a stong sword attack and follow it up with some weak ones. Proceed to flee from
the Underworld Whore as Joachim&#39;s swords recharge.
  Once you have the swords back, begin the pattern again. This doesn&#39;t stop until that
naughty little stunt starts using her seeking vine to ass-rape you. Simply avoid her
attack and hit with swords when you get a chance. The Succubus won&#39;t suck once you get
her little round buddy (referring to her Yellow Orb, not her G-spot).
  Walter the Vampire
  Joachim will have no problem with this fight. Joachim will not even get hit (unless
you&#39;re stupid). Simply stick and move and zoom past Walter when he fires his blue energy
shots and the shots will curve and miss. The orbs and Walter&#39;s punches can all be avoided
if Joachim stays away and pelts the boss with swords. You need this life preserved since
the next boss may take some away.
  This boss will take a while since it has so many hit points. Joachim can only do double
digit damage with each hit (unlike Leon) and not being able to heal puts a crimp on Joachim&#39;s
ability to slug it out. Instead, switch to stab stance and get close. To evade the blue
energy shots, move Joachim side to side. Jumping only gets him hit, since the shtos can
curve and track upwards. Racing side to side is faster. Evade the sickle toss by doing a
simple double jump (just like Leon, but with Joachim&#39;s speed, he evades where Leon may get
hit). Hit Death with stab attacks, move away to recharge, and watch for the final attack.
  The final attack is the fireballs from the sky. Move and double jump to avoid the first
fireball and subsequent shockwave, then single jump again to avoid the second fireball&#39;s
shockwave. Joachim moves so fast the second fire ball cannot hope to impact him, but its
shockwave can still reach and hurt him. Stab the boss to death and enjoy the secret.
  The Three Demons
  Stab and move with all three demons, but remember to dodge the the melee dash attacks
each Demon does (simply floatingaway with Joachim will not work). Once you dodge the three
attacks, each Demon will &quot;stun&quot; itself temporarily. Simply stab them several times and get
ready to dodge attacks (or jump away from the ones from the ground). The Demons greatly
increase Joachim&#39;s attack power when defeated.
  The Doppelgangers
  The two Dopplegangers cannot even hope to scratch Joachim if he keeps moving freely.
Go use the sword in stab stance and hold it for the strong attack. When a Doppelganger
makes an attack and misses, it is vulnerable for you to turn and hack it apart for a bit.
Do this repeatedly and the Doppelgangers are dead. The first one in the Watefall can be
obstructed by using the pillars and pit in the center. The second Doppelganger is even
easier since Joachim has so much room to manuever. Kill both without losing life is
a task even a blind taxi driver can do.
  The Forgotten One
  Phase 1 has Joachim evading and slashing for about 30 minutes. The main problem is the
grubs and maggots on the ground. They impede Joachim&#39;s ability to move, and they can hurt
him. Knowing what this boss can do, you cannot get hit. Use the slash to hit better, but
the stab can do a little more damage (not much to make a difference). Jump over the grubs
on the ground and move from one side to the next, hitting the boss a few times each way.
You can use the Death Ray to clear the ground of grubs but more will reappear. Watch the
poisoned blood from the boss - try to avoid it when possible.
  Phase 2 will start 30 minutes after you clear the boss. The hand is just as dangerous
as before. It is imperative now that Joachim avoids the hand, or he will simply die on
the next phase. Take your time and be ready to dodge out of the hand&#39;s way when it suddenly
jumps to a spot where you have Joachim. Keep moving from side to side, and watch the hand
if it attempts to sweep the whole platform. Joachim cannot attack from mid-air, which is
a serious detriment in the fight.
  Phase 3 will truly put Joachim to the test and force him to move from one rock to the
next while attacking the boss when possible using slash attacks (stab attacks may hit
the rock and do nothing). Be patient and alert when moving Joachim to a safe spot and
try to count the number of hits a rock has taken (large cracks mean don&#39;t stay behind
that rock). Unlike Leon, who needs to get close, Joachim needs all the time the boss
gives him between breathings to find a good rock to hide behind. Remember that Joachim
can attack when the boss is breathing fire - and safe behind a rock.
  Places Joachim Cannot Go
  There&#39;re several spots Joachim cannot go to, and they seem to be in the Ghostly Theatre
where the spike traps make it impossible to place a purple block for him. Other than that,
Joachim seems to be able to float through any locked door (except doors opened by switches),
locked room, or hallway.
[s:38] 正在用他打……急需翻译~~

 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-14 00:16:30 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-11 09:48 编辑 <br /><br />Play As Joachim Armster: It&#39;s pretty clear by now that Konami likes to provide its fans with a secondary character whose mission is no-nonsense compared the main character&#39;s. This time, Koji and his team allow you to unlock and play as Joachim Armster, who was thought to only be the boss of the Dark Palace of Waterfalls. To play as Joachim, complete the game with Leon, wait through the credits, and then save your game onto the memory card. Now start a new mission and enter &quot;@Joachim&quot; as your name. You&#39;ll skip past the usual intro, and the game will begin with you in control of Joachim at the Castle Entrance. Joachim controls similarly to Leon but has significant differences.
Joachim&#39;s mission is less restrictive than Leon&#39;s; he, too, must defeat the five guardians to break the seal to the upper half of the castle, but he can move freely through those five initial areas--not needing keys and such--and make jumps that Leon could not. However, he has some restrictions and other general differences: (1) He can&#39;t access an inventory screen, which means that he can&#39;t collect items, weapons, orbs or armor, and Rinaldo won&#39;t be at the shop to sell him anything. Such items simply won&#39;t be there, replaced by meter-ups or minor items like potions and mana prisms. When he touches an item, it&#39;ll take effect automatically. (2) He can&#39;t gain fighting abilities or maintain stats, his HP and MP meters are shorter, and his defense and attack powers are low; to cure this, he&#39;ll have to collect the HP-, MP- and defense-ups that replace the normal items. Also, he can collect exclusive attack-ups, most of which are found by defeating secret bosses. (3) Since he has no whip-latching ability, there are large glowing cubes placed in trouble areas to help him reach certain places. (4) Since he can&#39;t collect special sequence-initiating items, the Golem and Succubus battles will begin as soon as he enters their domains. Also, he&#39;ll unlock the door in the Eternal Prison simply by hitting a switch. (5) There are no story elements to his mission. (6) He receives his own ending, however abbreviated, for defeating Walter and Death.
&nbsp;  &nbsp;   
Joachim is unique when compared to many of the series&#39; characters. He&#39;s a bit slower than Leon, but he&#39;s a better horizontal and vertical leaper, both with his regular and double jumps. He&#39;s a better long-range fighter and can effectively keep his distance. Since he has no stat-potential, he must of course increase his abilities by finding the meter-ups that&#39;ll increase his attack, defense and the length of his meters. While he&#39;ll eventually be stronger than Leon, his lack of inventory will render him more beatable. Joachim is always surrounded by five symbiotic swords, and he can arrange them for two separate sword attacks: (1) Sword Chuck, where he can throw them one after another. If he throws all five before any of the others have returned, he&#39;ll be limited momentarily. (2) Circle Slash, a weaker and shorter-distance attack where he can endlessly swipe the swords, one after another. The initial shot of both attacks can be charged up, too. He has these and other moves:
Use the Sword: Push the &quot;square&quot; button. Depending on the attack position, Joachim will either swipe or throw a sword. If you hold down the button, the first sword will be charged up, growing in size; when the button is released, he&#39;ll execute the initial attack to deal more damage.
Jump: Push the &quot;X&quot; button. If you push the button again while airborne, you can pull off his double jump.
Arrange the Swords: Push the &quot;triangle&quot; button. The swords will arrange themselves in preparation for the respective attack. When they&#39;re lined up behind him, it&#39;s the Sword Chuck. When they&#39;re circling him, it&#39;s the Circle Slash.
Magic Spell: Push the &quot;O&quot; button. Joachim has a magic spell for both of his sword arrangements. If you have enough magic stored in your meter, you can pull them off. For the Sword Chuck, he fires a large beam for a prolonged period. He can move it from left to right while it lasts, but he can&#39;t aim it up or down. For Circle Slash, the swords will point outward and spin like a giant blade, cutting up the enemies. This attack covers more ground but is weaker and shorter-ranged.
Gain Magic: Simply dish out damage. Every time you successfully hit an enemy with a sword, your meter will fill accordingly.
Dash: Hold one of the &quot;R&quot; buttons and press &quot;X.&quot; Joachim can use the dash to quickly gain ground and to avoid and dodge attacks. He can also use it to gain a boost for his vertical and horizontal jumps.
Lock On: By holding one of the &quot;R&quot; buttons, Joachim will lock on to the nearest enemy for a more accurate attack.

发表于 2006-5-14 12:20:53 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-11 09:48 编辑 <br /><br />JOA攻略 JOA还攻略 房间都可走 把LEON走的都走一遍 集齐5个宝珠就可去最终关 另外被遗忘者需道具开门  和LEON篇一样 那有黑宝珠 幽灵歌剧院有两个隐藏电梯 在地上等几秒就会出现 在针刺房间

发表于 2006-5-14 12:45:34 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-11 09:48 编辑 <br /><br />LZ有没有搞错啊``全是英语
我最怕英语了``` [s:39]

发表于 2006-5-14 12:51:06 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-11 09:48 编辑 <br /><br />JOA模式200个小时的人路过…………已经没什么不知道的了…… [s:39]

 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-14 13:58:26 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-11 09:48 编辑 <br /><br />那请公主殿下谈谈技巧吧~

发表于 2006-5-14 18:18:09 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-11 09:48 编辑 <br /><br />约希姆模式太简单了………………

 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-14 19:33:25 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-11 09:48 编辑 <br /><br />既然是高手就说说技巧什么的么…………

发表于 2006-5-14 21:25:32 | 显示全部楼层
2016-8-11 09:48 编辑 <br /><br />灵活使用躲避不就行了,速度本来就比leon快得多,边躲边打,轻轻松松

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