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[新闻] 《战神4》预告片,奎爷再次袭来?

发表于 2011-3-10 13:24:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2016-6-16 15:44 编辑 <br /><br />
God of War 4?
For gaming fans thinkingthat God Of War 3 will bethe last we see of thisgreat epic, thinkagain...
God Of War 4 has beenrevealed.
Kratos will spark off aviolent battle betweenthe Gods and the Titans.And will eventually standon their ruins to be theGod Of Gods.
But, not for long . . .
With Zeus gone, thebalance of the world isshakened. And Kratos whowill listen to no one'scounsel except his ownunleashes the nightmarethat Zeus had kept at bay. . . The nightmare thatAthena had warned wouldcome with the fall ofZeus . . .
Chaos ruled the worldbefore the Titans andGods existed and in theend there will be onlyChaos. . .
Kratos understands thatChaos is a destructivenon-entity which simplycannot be vanquishedwith his powerful blades.So he embarks on ajourney which Zeus hadnever attempted . . .because Zeus never hadthe Sister's Loom ofTime.
Kratos travels back andforth in Time to unravelthe mystery, the root,the cause, the creationof Chaos . . . And hefinally arrives at thetime and place whereChaos was born . . .
Want to know when and where?

; 392
发表于 2011-3-10 18:02:15 | 显示全部楼层
2016-6-16 15:44 编辑 <br /><br />英文看不懂

; 603
发表于 2011-3-10 20:48:16 | 显示全部楼层
God of War 4?

For gaming fans thinking that God Of War 3 will be the last we see of this great epic, think again...

God Of War 4 has been revealed.

Kratos will spark off aviolent battle between the Gods and the Titans.And will eventually stand on their ruins to be the God Of Gods.

But, not for long . . .


With Zeus gone, the balance of the world is shakened. And Kratos who will listen to no one's counsel except his own unleashes the nightmare that Zeus had kept at bay. . . The nightmare that Athena had warned would come with the fall of Zeus . . .


Chaos ruled the world before the Titans and Gods existed and in the end there will be only Chaos. . .

Kratos understands that Chaos is a destructive non-entity which simply cannot be vanquished with his powerful blades. So he embarks on a journey which Zeus had never attempted . . .because Zeus never had the Sister's Loom of Time.

Kratos travels back and forth in Time to unravel the mystery, the root,the cause, the creation of Chaos . . . And he finally arrives at the time and place where Chaos was born . . .

Want to know when and where?

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