Dracula_hl 发表于 2005-5-8 01:17:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>bug7139</I>在2005-5-8 0:01:00的发言:</B>

<P>(<B><FONT color=#0000ff>PaleDim</FONT></B> 想要的话发信息给我好了)</P>
<P>Oh my god !!</P>
<P>加油 !! 398聯盟~~</P>

PaleDim 发表于 2005-5-8 02:37:00

<P>Dracula_hl:The prompt you left i cannot read.the forum will not let me access.says i need 1800 ?? to see it.maybe you can write out the complete method and send it to bug7139 or to dampire666 and they can translate it into english.the online translator is very poor.I think i am missing a vital part of the method and its getting me very confused.maybe with pictures would help too.Thank you for your help and patience</P><DIV 10px; PADDING-LEFT: 10px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 10px; PADDING-TOP: 10px">Dracula_hl: 您留下我的提示无法读。论坛不会让我访问。说我需要1800 年?? 看见它。可能您能写出完全方法并且送它到bug7139 或到dampire666 和他们可能翻译它成英语。网上译者是非常穷的。我认为我错过方法和它得到我的一重要部份非常迷茫。可能以图片会帮助也是。谢谢您的帮助和耐心</DIV>

Dampire666 发表于 2005-5-8 09:38:00


cativan 发表于 2005-5-8 12:43:00


boter 发表于 2005-5-8 15:12:00


bug7139 发表于 2005-5-8 18:17:00


Dracula_hl 发表于 2005-5-9 16:03:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>PaleDim</I>在2005-5-8 2:37:00的发言:</B>

<P>Dracula_hl:The prompt you left i cannot read.the forum will not let me access.says i need 1800 ?? to see it.maybe you can write out the complete method and send it to bug7139 or to dampire666 and they can translate it into english.the online translator is very poor.I think i am missing a vital part of the method and its getting me very confused.maybe with pictures would help too.Thank you for your help and patience</P>
<DIV 10px? PADDING-TOP: 10px; PADDING-BOTTOM: PADDING-LEFT:>Dracula_hl: 您留下我的提示无法读。论坛不会让我访问。说我需要1800 年?? 看见它。可能您能写出完全方法并且送它到bug7139 或到dampire666 和他们可能翻译它成英语。网上译者是非常穷的。我认为我错过方法和它得到我的一重要部份非常迷茫。可能以图片会帮助也是。谢谢您的帮助和耐心</DIV></DIV>

Dracula_hl 发表于 2005-5-9 16:07:00

<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>bug7139</I>在2005-5-8 18:17:00的发言:</B>

boter 发表于 2005-5-9 16:31:00

<P>全程说出来,什么全程? 就加上一点点方法而已,</P><P><b>以下是引用<I>bug7139</I>在2005-5-8 18:17:00的发言:

bug7139 发表于 2005-5-9 16:32:00

<P>TO 「Dracula_hl」…如果你要回PALEDIM話,就打英文吧</P><P>我猜他一個中文字也看不懂,就算用了翻譯器我想翻出來的東西…不必期待~~</P><P>關於方法:既然你不希望全盤托出,你就用提示的吧,他仍是會很高興的</P><P>就我的了解他是這樣的人……</P>
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